Bentley Assisted Living at Paragon Village
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Does Independent Living Include Meals?

a group of seniors eating a meal together

When considering independent living options for yourself or a loved one, it’s essential to understand the various amenities and services that are typically offered. One critical aspect often overlooked is the provision of meals. So, does independent living include meals?  Many independent living communities offer meal services. Depending on the community and your preferences, these […]

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How Do You Talk to Seniors About Mental Health?

Mother with her adult daughter.

Mental health can be a sensitive and challenging topic to talk about with older loved ones. As we age, our mental health can change due to several factors, such as physical health issues, loss of loved ones, or even social isolation. It is important to approach this topic with sensitivity and empathy.  Here are some […]

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The 10 Best Foot and Ankle Exercises for Seniors

Senior man doing leg raises.

With age, our joints tend to start slowing down in their range of motion and ability to perform daily tasks. Foot and ankle movement can often be affected due to joint stiffness and reduced flexibility – something that is especially common among seniors.   However, it doesn’t have to stay this way! Our senior community provides […]

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Should Senior Citizens Lift Weights?

A smiling senior woman exercising with dumbbells.

Many people wonder if seniors should lift weights. It’s a common misconception that weightlifting is only for young people or bodybuilders. However, lifting weights can have many benefits for seniors.  Listing weights can help improve bone density, balance, and overall strength. Of course, always consult a doctor before starting any new exercise routine, especially if […]

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Are Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s Related?

A seniors hands placed above block letters on a table spelling out parkinsons disease.

Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease affect the brain, affecting memory, thoughts, feelings, and more. These diseases can significantly impact your loved one’s daily life, meaning they’ll likely need extra support. It can be a common assumption for some people that these 2 diseases are related and influence each other.  While Parkinson’s disease and Alzheimer’s may not […]

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Spiritual Activities to Enrich Seniors Lives

A woman praying in her apartment.

Transitioning to that next stage of life can sometimes be challenging, and the first step is finding the right community and lifestyle that meets your unique needs. Any significant change, like retirement, can leave your days vacant, and you may need time to adjust.  Spiritual activities can do wonders to enrich seniors’ lives and help […]

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What Is the Difference Between Assisted Living & Memory Care?

A female nurse sitting outside on a bench with an assisted living patient

There will come a time later in life when you or your loved ones will transition to a new community and new stage of life to seek out a different lifestyle. Assisted living and memory care are lifestyle shifts you may consider.  Deciding what lifestyle is ideal comes down to your needs and the needs […]

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